Nedugo nakon izlaska u kina, ekranizacija popularnog Marvelovog stripa ''Guardians of the Galaxy'' je sirom svijeta osvojila brojnu publiku kako medju comic fanovima tako i medju (SF) filmofilima, te osvojila vise nego dobru zaradu od preko 700 mil.$ sirom svijeta. A taj uspijeh je svakako omogucio i nadahnuo redatelja i scenarista GofG-a James Gunna da se pripremi za sequel doticnog projekta.
Kao sta je vec neko vrijeme poznato, na Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (koji zasada nema subtitle) ce raditi ponovo originalni casting i originalni redatelj/scenarist, a prica ce nas malo dublje upoznati sa glavnim likovima i vjerovatno back-story Peterovog oca, dok je main villain za sada jos nepoznat.
Takodjer se ne zna ni hoce li se pojaviti Nova.
Za Thanosa jos nema nikakvih potvrda hoce li imati vecu ulogu u filmu ili ponovo cameo. Josh Brolin je izjavio kako Thanosa nece biti na velikom platno vise prije 2016.
Release Date: May 05, 2017
Rating: PG-13
Director: James Gunn
Written By: James Gunn
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana
Kako za sada jos nemamo nikakvih detalja oko synopsisa, ovo je ukratko:
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: James Gunn teases new details
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′ Is Taking A ‘Risk’ By Not Following The Comics
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′: James Gunn Talks Ronan, Nebula, Groot & More
Za Ronana se jos ne zna hoce li se vratiti u nastavku, ali za Nebulu se zna:
Takodjer, mozemo ocekivati i drugacijeg Groota kad ''odraste''.
Will Groot Speak More Fluently in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2?’
Kao sta je vec neko vrijeme poznato, na Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (koji zasada nema subtitle) ce raditi ponovo originalni casting i originalni redatelj/scenarist, a prica ce nas malo dublje upoznati sa glavnim likovima i vjerovatno back-story Peterovog oca, dok je main villain za sada jos nepoznat.
Takodjer se ne zna ni hoce li se pojaviti Nova.
Za Thanosa jos nema nikakvih potvrda hoce li imati vecu ulogu u filmu ili ponovo cameo. Josh Brolin je izjavio kako Thanosa nece biti na velikom platno vise prije 2016.
Release Date: May 05, 2017
Rating: PG-13
Director: James Gunn
Written By: James Gunn
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana
Kako za sada jos nemamo nikakvih detalja oko synopsisa, ovo je ukratko:
Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord and his band of misfits continue their cosmic adventures as protectors of the galaxy against all-new threates as their team grows and Peter learns about his father and true heritage. |
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: James Gunn teases new details
The story for Guardians 2 is an original story that I came up with, that I started working on actually while I was shooting Guardians 1", he said. "And it'll answer some of the questions that were put forth in the first movie about Peter Quill's father, and who he is, and what's going on with that". Gunn further teased that "we'll get to know some of the characters a little bit more", and that "we're going to meet a couple of new characters who will be very important to Guardian movies and probably important to the Marvel universe as a whole". Which suggests that you can read into that that there are plans for further Guardians Of The Galaxy movies beyond the first sequel. Hardly surprising, of course, given the success of the first. Gunn also came back to the point that Peter Quill's father won't be the same character that we've met in the comics. "When the movie came out, we got greenlit on the sequel right away", Gunn said. "I went in and I sat down with those guys and I'm like, okay, here's what I think the sequel should be. And they were like 'oh whoooa, that's risky, but okay'. Now I'm going to turn over the story in a few short weeks and we'll find out how well it works". |
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′ Is Taking A ‘Risk’ By Not Following The Comics
‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′: James Gunn Talks Ronan, Nebula, Groot & More
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will see the return of Yondu, played by Michael Rooker, and the Ravagers. The father of Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) will also play an important part in the story of the sequel. As for other characters from Guardians of the Galaxy, Gunn offered some more information of who will return for the sequel. |
Za Ronana se jos ne zna hoce li se vratiti u nastavku, ali za Nebulu se zna:
During a Guardians of the Galaxy live commentary/Q&A on his Facebook, Gunn was asked if Ronan the Accuser, played by Lee Pace in the first film, would return to the franchise. He responded, “Who knows. But not in 2, no.” This may not come as a surprise since Ronan was seemingly killed at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, but Marvel has proved in the past that there are means to bring people back from death. Nebula, played by Karen Gillan, on the other hand “will be back,” though Gunn didn’t specify if he meant the character would return in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or a later movie. Fan-favorite character Groot will definitely return for the sequel, but Gunn said viewers shouldn’t assume he’ll be the same: “Well, who says baby Groot is Groot and not Groot’s son?” |
Although Ronan may be out of the picture for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, that leaves room for Gunn to include more of The Mad Titan Thanos, played by Josh Brolin. When Marvel revealed their full Phase 3 lineup – concluding with The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and Part 2 – it became evident that Thanos would become more of a central antagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whether that means he’ll be the main villain of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 remains to be seen. He may be the primary antagonist to the Guardians in the sequel, or he may have another small part that will lead to a larger role down the line in The Avengers: Infinity War. |
Takodjer, mozemo ocekivati i drugacijeg Groota kad ''odraste''.
Will Groot Speak More Fluently in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2?’
A bit distinctive from his usual dialogue I might add. While only a slight difference, Groot changes the wording from “I” to “We.” This could prove highly significant for Groot as we move forward into Phase 3 of Marvel’s cinematic universe. What I mean by significant, I mean Groot may have an expanded vocabulary by the time Guardians of the Galaxy 2 arrives. |
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)
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